If the rumors are to be believed, HTC might be up to one of the best Smartphone in the entire history of Smartphones with its new HTC One M10 which is scheduled to be launched sometime in the early October 2015. The good news for all the HTC fan club and android HTC would be upping the ante by bringing in together some of the latest design elements and technological innovation in the HTC One M10 or at least it is believed to be.
Articles by Ewan Conway
Galaxy Of The Future: Samsung Galaxy S7
Today there is a lot of competition among the big companies in making new phones and gadgets. But not forgetting the fact that these smart phones and gadgets have actually helped us a lot in our daily lives at every step. So it is required to find for the best among the lot. For this Samsung has always tried hard to be the best. It has been acclaimed to produce and sell the maximum numbers of smart phones all over the world and this fact has helped the company go on and make better phones every day. So to meet this purpose, it is back with yet another flagship model the all new Samsung Galaxy S7.
Point To Note: Samsung Galaxy Note 5
In this world full of competitions and competitors, it is absolutely impossible to be at par with the level of technological developments without them. These technologies at all spheres of our lives have actually helped us to be updated in our personal and professional lives. The help and service provided by these devices are helpful to us at almost every step of lives. Starting from the first work that one does in the morning to going to bed at night, we are almost entangled with technology and can never blame the point.